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The Third Day

  • Book of the day will probably be Building a StoryBrand, by Donald Miller.
    • You can join the reading session by following the link.
  • I am thinking of doing 2 read sessions per day, one for the people in the US, and one for the people in EU. In any case I am going to be reading an awful lot of pages this year, so why not more streams?
  • Song of the day is Overnight, by Parcels. (I don’t promise to do this everyday.)

Why Building a StoryBrand?

Because believe it or not, anything has a brand. Not just businesses, but individuals. And even materials. Gold as a material has a brand. A pretty strong one. And it is the brand that determines the persistence of that particular thing. What that means is, you better start on consciously shape your own brand to persist in other people’s minds.

Building a StoryBrand is a book that I read long time ago, that explains the fundamentals of establishing a brand identity adhering to the storytelling basics. It is a good starter that is somewhere between Branding, Marketing and Storytelling domains.

PS I ended up reading the book Scrum first.


  • I am taking physical notes way too much while I read books, which is actually how I normally read books. I really enjoy contemplating on a book I read at a granular level. But I now realize that I will never be able to finish all 365 books, if I keep reading at this pace. Therefore, I should reduce the amount of notes I take, and selectively focus on the most applicable advice only that I could immediately experiment in my own life.
  • I just noticed that 365 books is challenging from several perspectives, and a prominent challenge is the financial burden it brings. I will be donating all 365 books to a high school library at the end of the year, and therefore I’m allowed to have only the physical copies. As a financial aid, I’d like to design a meaningful donation campaign very soon for other activist readers to support me as they like.

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